Anniversary Gala 2024

It’s hard to believe, but we’re pleased to say that the London Adult Figure Skating Club has now been running for ten years! To help celebrate this, and to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation, we’re pleased to announce that we’re holding a gala performance on the 21st of July. This will be taking place at Streatham Ice Rink, starting at around 4:30pm (the exact start time will be confirmed closer to the event).

This event has been approved by, and will be held under the Rules of British Ice Skating.

You can sign up using the form here, and upload your music here.

Information for Participants


  1. Participants must be fully paid up members of London Adult Figure Skating Club (“LAFSC”) at the date of entry. Participants wishing to take part in a solo performance and/or a group performance involving fewer than 4 participants will be required to have ordinary adult membership, which provides membership of LAFSC for the entire 2024 year. Participants wishing to take part only in a group performance involving 4 or more participants may apply for single event group membership, which provides membership of LAFSC solely for the purposes of group participation in this gala (i.e. additional membership would be required to participate in other LAFSC events). For the avoidance of doubt, a participant who wishes to take part in both a solo performance and a group performance involving 4 or more participants must have ordinary adult membership. Information on membership of LAFSC is available here.
  2. Participants must be available to be at Streatham ice rink from 4pm to 7:30pm on Sunday 21st July 2024.
  3. Participants must provide details of the music to which they wish to skate at the time of entry (including name of track and duration, which must not exceed 3 minutes). If more than one person wishes to skate to the same music, LAFSC will endeavour to accommodate this via discussion with the relevant participants but reserves the right to grant entry only to the person whose entry was received first (please see rule 8 below for the requirements for an entry to be considered received).
  4. The entry fee is £20 for solo performances, £30 for performances by groups of 2–5 participants and £50 for group performances by groups of 6 or more participants.
  5. Participants may take part in two performances, which may be one solo performance and one group performance or two group performances. If there is spare capacity at the closing date, it may be possible for a participant to take part in additional performances — participants who wish to take part in additional performances may indicate this on the sign up form, with details of the music to which they wish to skate and any props they wish to use.
  6. The closing date for entries is 11:59pm on Friday 21st June 2024 and no late entries will be accepted. Entries may close early if the initial capacity has been reached prior to this deadline — in this event prospective participants will be invited to register their interest via a waiting list (to operate on a “first come first served” basis), as spaces may become available subject to scheduling and/or withdrawals.
  7. All entries must be accompanied by the appropriate entry fee or the application will be void.
  8. Places are limited and will be allocated in order of date of receipt of entry. An entry will not be considered received for these purposes until LAFSC has received payment of the appropriate membership and entry fees and provided confirmation to the participant by email.
  9. No refunds will be given for withdrawals.
  10. All music must be provided to LAFSC via the dropbox link by 11:59pm on Friday 12th July 2024. If LAFSC does not receive a participant’s music by this deadline, that participant’s entry will be removed from the programme and that participant will not be able to participate (and fees paid will not be refunded).
  11. Costumes must be appropriate, bearing in mind that the spectators may include children.
  12. Participants must provide details of all props to be used during performances at the time of entry. Any props that have not been disclosed will not be permitted onto the ice. No dangerous (sharp or explosive) props will be permitted, and props must remain within the rink at all times during the performance (e.g. they must not be thrown into the audience).
  13. The skating order will be published one week prior to the gala. No requests to alter the skating order will be entertained.
  14. LAFSC hope to provide a photographer to take photographs of the performances, which will be made available to performers in the weeks following the event. Please tick the box on the entry form to allow any pictures to be used for publicity by LAFSC and by British Heart Foundation. Audience members will be asked not to take photos during performances, to avoid distracting skaters or obstructing other spectators.
  15. Each participant in the gala (or group of participants for group performances) will be entitled to one video permit per performance which will entitle a person designated by that participant (or group of participants) to take video of the relevant performance from a designated location. No other video may be taken during the event. This is to ensure that participants have control of any video taken of their performances.
  16. No persons other than participants in the gala will be admitted to the gala without an admission ticket — this includes family, friends and coaches.
  17. LAFSC may disclose a participant’s personal data (including name and BIS membership status) to BIS in order to comply with the requirements of the event permit. Please tick the box on the entry form to consent to this use of data.
